Sunday, August 21, 2011

New to the Neighborhood

The names Amber. I am completely new to the blogging community. I'm not sure what to tell you, I am not sure what to talk about. So if I bore you to death with this, I am so very sorry! I'll start with telling you a little bit about me. I am currently 17 and will be 18 the 27th of April. I was born in Sanbernadino, California. My family moved to Missouri in'99, and I lived there eleven years before moving here to Georgia to live with my amazing uncles. It was actually kinda crazy moving here from Missouri. The culture clash was a bit much. I couldn't understand the deep southern accents, it didn't help that you all talk so soft and quickly. It still does not make since to me how you guys can understand eachother when you talk like that! I still to this day have to ask my friends to repeat themselves all the time. It gets extremely annoying, i'm sure. I'm going to have to get better at it one day, right? :) Seriously though, I think that moving to Jones County was probably the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I have met so many wonderful people here, hopefully friendships that will last a lifetime. To sum this up basically, this is my SENIOR year of High School, i'm so ready to make the most of it! :)